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AO Infinity

Foot Detox

Not your typical foot detox that you might be thinking of where there's water and it changes color.. this is different. The AO Infinity Foot Detox device uses Radio Frequency to raise the body’s internal temperature.

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This is a "dry" foot detox that uses Radio Frequency

Totally different! When the heat accelerates your metabolism, toxins, and waste are broken down and sent to the liver for elimination. The Foot Detox is a thermal shock wave depth conditioning instrument that circulates Radio Frequency vibration energy through the soles of the feet, moving up to the rest of the body.

It's like a sauna that heats you from the inside out

When you place your bare feet on the plates of the device, it will generate a frequency of one megahertz. The device pulses the frequency into the body in 10 millisecond bursts. This delivery mechanism causes the body to go into a low-grade fever, raising the body temperature by one and a half degrees. The waistband is another feature that benefits you from radio frequencies. The band allows you to use the same one (1) megahertz frequency, infrared heat, and vibration to stimulate the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and spleen

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Some of the benefits:

Blood circulation slows when the body is cold, and the cell metabolism weakens. Every time the body temperature drops one degree, the metabolism is reduced by about 12%, and immunity is reduced by more than 30%.

When an individual’s temperature is at 95.9° Fahrenheit, cells multiply. Other viruses and bacteria may invade, and various functional disorders may occur.

On the other hand, when an individual’s temperature is at 103.2° Fahrenheit, cells begin to die, and many viruses and bacteria cannot survive.

Ready to Use the Foot Detox?

Whether using the Foot Detox at home or in a clinic, follow these precautions before using the device.

  • Before beginning treatment, remove metal objects such as rings, necklaces, watches, and other things from your body.

  • Drink warm water when using the instrument. Be sure to drink up to 7 to 10 oz before, during, and after using the device. The warmth of the water promotes blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, and gives full ability to the warming of the body.

  • Users should adjust the instrument according to their physical conditioning and tolerance level. 

  • Adjust the energy intensity, starting low and moving to a higher setting. Be careful to increase and adjust carefully, keeping your or the patient's comfort in mind.

  • Bathing is not recommended within one hour after use.

  • The conditioning time is 30 minutes each time of use, including 30 minutes for first-time users.

  • If you or a patient have hypoglycemia, pay close attention to the physical conditions of yours or the patient during use. A blood pressure and blood glucose meter may be helpful in these conditions.  

  • Abnormal reactions from a patient should be recorded when using at a clinic. Countermeasures should be taken in time for abnormal conditions. 

  • Turn off and cool the device 3-5 minutes after each use and before the subsequent use. 

  • Users should wait half an hour after a meal, use on an empty stomach, or wait half an hour after exercise or feeling fatigued. 

  • Electrode plates must be disinfected with medical-grade alcohol between each use to avoid cross-contamination. 

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